Monday, October 26, 2015

Days like today where you know someone has your back

My alarm goes off and I see a message to check my email regarding Leightons school. Due to flooding, school will not start until 10am. I guess the bug needed some extra sleep because she slept until 8:50! We have the best conversations in the morning I wish that I could just freeze time. So we pull up to school and school is canceled! The bug gets to be salad ninja with me for the day! She was so excited and so was I! It was like someone one was watching out for me and knew that I wanted just one more day with her! She loves my co-workers and was so excited to hug and high five them and that makes me so proud as a mom to have the kid that other adults are just so excited to see (tears) We loaded our salads and off we went! We had the best conversation and she decided that she wanted to draw a book using index cards; I am not dissing parents that let their kids use electronics, I am just simply saying don't have them around and see what happens. I love love her imagination, Her story was about 2 alligators Amanda and Marly and their adventures including avocados and FRESHJUNKIE. She opted to wait in the car at some stops and at others she wanted to get out. At one point in the day, she said mommy this is my favorite day I love you so much, this is so fun! About a half an hour later she asked me how my work day was going and I said it was going so great because she was with me.

I ended the day with some of my favorite FJ ladies and they all talked about their kiddos and we had such great mommy chat about our kiddos; it really was surreal, and I hate using that word but it was.

It was a happy monday in deed!